It's World Nyckelharpa Day on the 26th April and one of the things that is going to happen is a mass playing of the tune Björnlåten. This is traditionally played at the end of every International Days of Nyckelharpa. So I've been talking to both Fürsteneck and to Marco Ambrosini about coordinating a mass playing of this tune at midday (London UK time) on the 26th April. This is 11am UCT.
You'll find the official details on the World Nyckelharpa Day website as well as here!
There are several layers to this event! The first one is to just play the tune at the appointed hour. Then social network it using #worldnyckelharpaday
The second is to film your self doing it and post it the internet.
The third - if you're feeling brave. Is to film it at the time playing along to a guide track and then send it in so that all the films can be edited together into one big mass video. Obviously you need to be listening to the guide to keep the timings together.
The fourth - there is a four part arrangement - play one of these other lines!
It's entirely up to you - obviously if you want to cheat and film it to send into the big video either before or after the event that's ok! We'd rather have the video than not!!
So below are the official videos and the non-official image of the tune. One is a video just for your enjoyment to listen to - a quartet with Marco Ambrosini. There is a video with a count in so you can film yourself and start in time and there is the video where I teach the tune!
Talking of the tune! I have taught this tune before using a version that I was originally taught. There are three extra bars in this version! So watch out for that - it tripped me up in the quartet video quite a few times!!
So Sunday 26th April 2020 - the mass Björnlåten at Midday London UK time (11am UCT)
Enjoy and see you there!
It's World Nyckelharpa Day on the 26th April and one of the things that is going to happen is a mass playing of the tune Björnlåten. This is traditionally played at the end of every International Days of Nyckelharpa. So I've been talking to both Fürsteneck and to Marco Ambrosini about coordinating a mass playing of this tune at midday (London UK time) on the 26th April. This is 11am UCT.
You'll find the official details on the World Nyckelharpa Day website as well as here!
There are several layers to this event! The first one is to just play the tune at the appointed hour. Then social network it using #worldnyckelharpaday
The second is to film your self doing it and post it the internet.
The third - if you're feeling brave. Is to film it at the time playing along to a guide track and then send it in so that all the films can be edited together into one big mass video. Obviously you need to be listening to the guide to keep the timings together.
The fourth - there is a four part arrangement - play one of these other lines!
It's entirely up to you - obviously if you want to cheat and film it to send into the big video either before or after the event that's ok! We'd rather have the video than not!!
So below are the official videos and the non-official image of the tune. One is a video just for your enjoyment to listen to - a quartet with Marco Ambrosini. There is a video with a count in so you can film yourself and start in time and there is the video where I teach the tune!
Talking of the tune! I have taught this tune before using a version that I was originally taught. There are three extra bars in this version! So watch out for that - it tripped me up in the quartet video quite a few times!!
So Sunday 26th April 2020 - the mass Björnlåten at Midday London UK time (11am UCT)
Enjoy and see you there!

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