Friday, 25 December 2020
New Years Eve Zoom Contra Dance
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Vicki & Jonny's Christmas Carol Concert
We've had an amazing December - given the circumstances! We've been on Zoom tour and last night was the last of three different shows that we put on in Zoom. This was our Carol Concert
- Click Here for the words.
- Click Here for the music.
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Halsway Session in the Long Room
It's session time again! I've had a little time away from filming as I've been working very hard on the Praetorius Crowdfunder album. I'll do some blogs for that later, this blog entry is all about the Sunday session! This session is quite special as you'll see and I hope you enjoy it!
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Tenterden Zoom Dance
We're playing for a dance! It's a familiar phrase now - it's supposed to be the Tenterden Folk Festival at the weekend and of course it's been cancelled due to Covid-19. So we offered to do a Zoom ceilidh. tune it's Zoom that means you don't have to dance - you can play along. So here is a sneak preview of the dance list and PDF so that you can download it, print it and join in with us! It doesn't include what the actual dances are though, they can be a surprise - although some of the dances have eponymous tunes. Below is the list to the links of the teaching videos. I haven't taught them all - so I should get round to doing those!
- Alunelul
- Anastasia
- Double Shot Coffee / Diversion Ahead / Don't Drive Tired
- Hyde and Seek / Japonica Jig
- Half Hannikin
- Horses Branle
- Lightening the Load / St Albans New
- Hornpipe Hollandica 1 / Hornpipe Hollandica 2 / Stena's Hornpipe
- Andy Clarkes / A Trip to Habertonford
- Ankapoo / Tongue in Cheek
- Drunken Piper / Italian Pants / Dot Dot Dot
- Swedish Masquerade
- Winster Gallop / Doodle Oak Cloggers / Hedingham Green
Saturday, 12 September 2020
Friday, 11 September 2020
Halsway Virtual Zoom Session - Friday 18th September
On Friday 18th September we're having an online Zoom session to try to make up a little for not being at Halsway Manor itself. (This year the weekend was a weekend later). It's free to come into the session, but you'll need to register yourself and then I can send you the Zoom meeting details!
The tunes are being led by some stalwart Halsway people and the tunes will be pulled form this pdf.
Quite a few of these tunes I've taught on this blog, so here's the complete list!
- Flickorna Svensson
- Polska efter Båtsman Däck
- The Noodle Slicer
- Miranda's Mazurka
- The Italian Rant into The Scots Bransle
- Hälleforsnäspolskan
- Polska efter Spel-Erik
- Trollpolska efter Hans Bortas
- Emma
- Härjedalschottis
- Vevlire-ettan
- Hambo efter Erik Hartvig
- Spikensvals
- Storpolskan efter Båtsman Däck
- Matti Karis Brudpolska
- Bröllopsgåvan
- Schottis från Lima
- Svängrumpa
- A Trip to Paris
- Olle's Polska
- Cuckolds All in a Row
The full details of the whole two days are here.
Register by signing up HERE!
See you there.
Saturday, 29 August 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session 15 - The säckpipa edition
- Långdans från Sollerön
- Menuetto efter Sven Donat
- Pollonesse efter Andreas Dahlgren Nr. 87
- Röra Röret
- Gärdsbygubbarnas Polska
- PDF of the dots
- Blog entry for this session
My second advert is for a Crowdfunding project I'm doing - an album of Dances from Terpsichore by Praetorius on nyckelharpa quintet. As of today I'm at 50% funded with three weeks to go. Check it out!
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Swedish Tunes workshop at Whitby @ Home Folk Week
I've just finished giving my workshop online in Zoom for Whitby Folk Week and we decided to make a video with as many participants playing along to this video as possible! If you've done a play-a-long for me before you'll know the drill! If not....
If you'd like the dots - CLICK HERE!
Update: I edited until midnight on the Thursday and got the video in! Thank you to everyone who came to the workshop and who sent me in videos!
- Flickan Hon Går i Dansen
- Springvals efter Ceylon Wallin
- Piggelunkschottisen
- PDF of the Dots
- Link to the Blog Entry
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Whitby Folk Week - Online Playford Ball!
This week we should have been at Whitby Folk Week. As with everything else it's been cancelled and put online. Which means that we can do a very cool thing this Wednesday. We were supposed to be playing for the Playford Ball on Wednesday with Purcell's Polyphonic Party. The closest we can get instead is for me and Jonny to play for the Ball in Zoom and this means that you can come along no matter where in the world you are! It takes place at 8-9pm UK time. on Wednesday 26th August. The ball is free but you do need to register to get a login. - REGISTER HERE! Donations to the festival are appreciated (and also to the artists, ie us)
So exclusively on this blog I am releasing the probable dance list and a tune pad so that you can play along if you want! It's totally live with a caller - no pre-record! So anything could happen!
So the dance list? Keep in mind that this might change and might not be the order and there might be technical hitches! (You never can tell!)
- Mad Moll
- Half Hannikin
- Moll Peatley (The New Way)
- Millions Jegge
- Rufty Tufty
- Barham Down
- Epping Forest
- PDF of the dots!
Sunday, 16 August 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session 14 - Swedish Tunes
Thursday, 13 August 2020
The Global Halsway Parade
Since 2012 I have been gradually building up my nyckelharpa course at Halsway Manor. We get on average 45 nyckelharpa players gathering together at the large weekend in September. The courses have been growing and in 2019 I ran a beginners course, an advanced course and the festival weekend. This year everything has been cancelled. So I decided to take inspiration from the World Nyckelharpa Day and run something online at the weekend that we were supposed to be there. Click here to see the details of the day!
The first part of this jigsaw puzzle is The Halsway Parade. Each year we parade around the garden playing this tune. So I'd like two things - one is that people play this tune for real at 2pm UK time. The second is that I would very much like to edit together a large mosaic of as many nyckelharpa players around the world playing this tune as possible!
Below are the things that you will need:
- The lesson teaching the tune
- A full quartet of me playing the tune
- The guide track for you to play along to and film yourself
- Film yourself playing along to the guide track. You must wear headphones so I can edit the video into one big ensemble.
- Email me your video using (or similar) to info [a] (change the [a] for @!
Sunday, 9 August 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session 13 - Danceable Playford 3
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Piparens Polska
A good few years ago I put together a tune book and I thought I would teach a tune from there. So instead of the dots being on the website this time I'm encouraging people to buy the book! It's very reasonably priced and I am filming and putting up tunes by request from the book!
- The full lesson
- A version with me playing both
- A version with me just playing the melody
- A version with me just playing the harmony
The Harmony Version - you get to play the Melody
Sunday, 2 August 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session 12 - British Tunes
Thursday, 30 July 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session 11 - Swedish Tunes
Sunday, 26 July 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session - Number 1 with a full bar!
Monday, 20 July 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session - The Playford Session Part 2 (Danceable)
Monday, 13 July 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session 9 - Jonny's Ceilidh/Contra Dance Tunes
- Doodle Oak Cloggers / Hedingham Green (32 bar reels)
- Waltz for Shari (64 bar waltz)
- Sunny Skies / Dancing Shoes (32 jigs)
- Anastasia (48 bar reel)
- Italian Pants / Dot Dot Dot (32 bar polkas)
- Download the dots to Session 9
Monday, 6 July 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session - slower session part 3
I thought that the Sunday session this week should be one that was a slower one again. So this is a session Zero part 3. It's great to be able to speed through tunes - but its also great to go back to simpler tunes and make sure that everyone can take part. So that's exactly what this week is all about, looking out for the less experienced players. These are lovely tunes to play in any case, so make sure even if you are more experienced that you play with beautiful notes. Of course - you don't have to be a nyckelharpa player to join in with these sessions, you can play absolutely any instrument you like! So join us at 2pm on Sunday 11th July if you'd like to play along live, but as always the videos stay up forever so you can join in any time you like!
- Flickan Hon Går i Dansen
- Tillsammans Polska
- Colin's Cattle
- The Piper's Wedding March
- Polska Cups
- Download the dots to Session Zero part 3
Monday, 29 June 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session 8 - Vicki's Ceilidh/Contra Dance Tunes
- Hyde & Seek / The Japonica Jig
- Elsy's Waltz
- Piggelunkschottisen
- Ankapoo / Tongue in Cheek
- Dancing Out / One for His Nob
- Download a pdf of all the dots
Monday, 22 June 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session - The Playford Session (Danceable)
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Det Stora Allspelet - The Big Play Together
Using eitherWeTransfer, Sprend, WeSendit, or your own choice! There is time, but you need to get a wiggle on - the deadline is Friday!
Monday, 15 June 2020
Halsway Manor Lockdown Session Number 6
- The Noodle Slicer (by Ed Pritchard)
- Kerry's Lament (by Linda Hall)
- Narrowly Missed the Milk Jug (by John Cooke)
- The Heart Waltz (by Chris Drinkwater)
- Miranda's Mazurka (by Ed Pritchard)
- The Stand In (by Linda Hall)
- Doreen's Schottis (by Chris Drinkwater)
- Polska for Vicki (by John Cooke)
- Download a pdf of all the dots
Monday, 8 June 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session - slower session part 2
I thought that the Sunday session this week should be one that was a slower one again. So this is a session Zero part 2. It's great to be able to speed through tunes - but its also great to go back to simpler tunes and make sure that everyone can take part. So that's exactly what this week is all about, looking out for the less experienced players. If you started off your nyckelharpa life in a workshop with me or had skype/zoom lessons these tunes will be very familiar. So play along with me and Jonny and enjoy the tunes in their full accompanied glory! If anyone has any photographs of an empty bar at Halsway I'd love to have them and then we can move around the bar a bit! I'm also about to edit together the Session 1 with videos from other people - there's still time to get your video to me if you'd like to join us in the bar! Click here for the details for session 1.
- Flagpole Tree
- Ringdans
- Dans i Hagen
- Femtiöringen
- Rutebilen
- Shepherds Hey
- Download the dots to Session Zero part 2
Friday, 5 June 2020
The Lockdown Halsway Bar Nyckelharpa Session - Number 5

Welcome to the fifth session! This week we've got some more British session tunes. Put in your request now for what you'd like for next week! There are four tunes in this first session and they are all very well known and generally will be played at any nyckelharpa session in the UK. As usual I have invited Jonny Dyer to join me on the accordion for this session. Again, if you fancy filming yourself playing along to this session and I get enough I will edit it together so that it at least sounds like we're all in the bar together! The tune list for this week is:
- The Sloe / The Rochdale Coconut Dance
- The Rogues March / Captain Lanoe's Quick March
- The Rowan Tree
- Tree in a Bog / Marie's Wedding
- Drops of Brandy / Andy Carey's
- Click Here to download the pdf of dots for session 5